Why should there be an Apostolate of the Suffering? As Christians we have been redeemed by the Cross. Therefore we must cooperate in the salvation of souls and pray for those who suffer and take up their cross daily. Tears shed without love are wasted and embitter the soul. To weep with love consoles, sanctifies and redeems. Let us glorify the heart of Jesus by praying for those who are sick and suffering. What do I do? Pray every day for those who are sick and suffering. Offer any of your sufferings or disappointments for all those who suffer and for those souls most in need of our prayer. Recite the following prayers often: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate and sorrowful Heart of Mary, I offer Thee the treasure of all my physical and mental sufferings, and I praise and thank Thee, O King of Love, in all my sorrows, asking in exchange the extension of Thy Reign. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come! By suffering borne with love and peace of the soul, I promise to become an apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I offer all my sufferings of Christ for the conversion of souls and for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in Families. |
Apostolate of the Sick and Suffering Offer Your Suffering For Our Lord
You don’t need to be sick to be a member of the Apostolate of the Sick and Suffering. Sick people are in our families, our churches, our neighborhoods. These people need encouragement and prayer to carry their cross. Prayers are also offered in reparation for all the evil in the world and those who have no one to pray for them. So please join this Apostolate and be united with all those who pray for the sick and suffering! ![]() |
Apostolate of the Sick and Suffering In Honor of the Sacred Heart Let those who are ill, those who suffer, those whose hearts are breaking under the Cross, listen to the words of life, of comfort and of hope that are addressed to them in the name and for the glory of the Heart of Jesus. The world is going astray and many people suffer daily. For love of Jesus, you can offer your prayers and sufferings as a missionary apostolate. By uniting your prayers with all those are sick and suffering, those who mourn, those who are misunderstood—the reign of Jesus as King is extended through out the world. Renew your Enthronement and commitment to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Join the Apostolate of the Sick and Suffering Today! ![]() |